Git Commands & Workflow

git init: Start your project by initializing a new Git repository in your current directory.

git clone : To work on an existing project, clone it to your local machine.

🔧 Make Changes

git status: Check the current status of your files before or after making changes.

git add : Stage a specific file for a commit.

git add or git add -A: Add all changed files to the stage at once.

git commit -m "Commit message: Commit your staged changes with a descriptive message.

🌿 Branching

git branch: List all local branches in your repository.

git branch : Create a new branch.

git checkout : Switch to a different branch.

git merge : Merge changes from one branch to another.

🔄 Remote Repositories

git push origin : Send your commits to the remote repository.

git pull: Keep your local repo up-to-date with changes from the remote repository.

git remote -v: Check which remote servers are connected to your local repository.

🔀 Key Differences

git fetch vs. git pull: Both get data from a remote repository. Git fetch just downloads it, while git pull also merges it into your local files.

git merge vs. git rebase: Git merge combines branches with a new commit, while git rebase moves or combines commits for a cleaner history.

git reset vs. git revert: Git reset discards local changes, while git revert undoes changes by creating a reversing commit to preserve history.



Credit : Santosh Kumar Mishra