Google Map System Design

Google Maps, our trusted travel companion, unveils its inner workings for a peek behind the curtain. Here's a straightforward rundown of the core components that make Google Maps tick:


Location Finder: Pinpoints your current location using GPS, Wi-Fi, or cell tech.

Route Finder: Calculates the quickest route considering traffic and other factors.

Navigation Guru: Offers real-time guidance and updates as you journey.

Address Search: Translates place names into coordinates.

Area Search Service: Collaborates with search and graph processing to plot the best route.

Graph Processing Service: Computes optimal paths, weighing multiple factors.

Data Bank: Stores Google's road data, including names, types, and traffic info.

Push-Sub System: Keeps an eye out for deviations and sends alerts to the right services.

Third-Party Road Data: Google sources road data from government agencies and road companies for precision.

Road Network Graph Builder: Constructs the road network graph, a crucial tool for routing and more.

Load Balancer: Divvies up user requests among servers and services, ensuring a seamless experience for all.

Google Maps, while intricate, boils down to one mission: aiding your exploration and discovery of the world. 🚀


Credit:Santhosh Kumar Mishra & Deepak Shankar Dubey